Thursday, September 8, 2011


So this year is shaping up to be pretty great and the summer was about as sucky as I thought that it would be.  I did although have high hopes going in to it but they were soon crushed by something that to be completely honest I never thought would be a problem.  As it turns out, all of those days in my life that I spent bettering myself and overall just becoming a well-rounded person, I was really just setting myself for complete failure in the relationship world.  See, girls don't want someone that is already functional, someone that makes them happy, or that will treat them with the love and respect they deserve.  No, girls want someone that will treat them differently every day and that is someone that they can "fix-up".  For the first time in my life being good enough was not good enough.  I lost because I was worth keeping.  In other words, Being worth Marrying was not enough to be worth dating.  Awesome.  Life has an awesome way of screwing you in the most awkward positions.  I feel like I took a drink from Life and that Life put GHB in it and I passed out, waking up in a room I didn't recognize, no amount of CAPSA counseling can heal these wounds.  And ya know what, I bet life isn't even going to call me after.  Life is not a B****, Life is a Date Rapist.  Life takes you out and shows you a nice time, but in the end leaves you naked curled up in a ball taking a cold shower wondering what you did deserve such a thing.  Yes.  This is the Life that I know. Life wears a backwards cap.  Life has a soul patch.  And yes.  Life even does the Wink and Shoot.  So please remember when life gives you lemons and you make lemonade, don't set your lemonade down anywhere.  Because Life will drug you.


  1. oh keenan..i'm sorry you're so blue :( and i'm sorry hitch hiking the cruise in wasn't enough to make your summer worth it. cheer up charlie!

  2. rough. i'm sorry you're going through a rough time. i hope you know that not all girl's are like this. you'll find one, i promise. and she'll come around when you least expect it. trust me.
    i'll keep ya in my prayers, keenyapoloda. love you, squirt.
